The Da'vid/shito:aL Alumni Thread


Apr 19, 2018
The Wired
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Apr 19, 2018
The Wired
Mary Rue official Youtube for current activities:

Interestingly, they had Takuya (Knueklid Romance) on support Guitar for a January live:

Ako and Yuu comments in English about an album release (comedic....they are literally reading lol):

And: (in case you want to book them > . < )

■ E-mail Reservation :
Advance Booking Deadline is Until 12 o'clock on the day.
Please fill in the required items.
1) Event Date & Venue
2) Your name
3) Number of people
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Apr 19, 2018
The Wired
Oh Flowers...may I ask...did you ever have any Pleur VHS footage? I know they were a part of a tape released for Shockwave Circuit 99 and I've seen bits and bobs floating around...
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Feb 8, 2012
Oh Flowers...may I ask...did you ever have any Pleur VHS footage? I know they were a part of a tape released for Shockwave Circuit 99 and I've seen bits and bobs floating around...
They were featured in this rental only VHS. One of my friends has it, but hasn't posted rips online. They posted some gifs of the footage on their blog . You only see them for a very short while ! 2min at most


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Apr 19, 2018
The Wired
They were featured in this rental only VHS. One of my friends has it, but hasn't posted rips online. She posted some gifs of the footage on her blog . You only see them for a very short while ! 2min at most

I've actually visited the blog before from a link you posted many years ago haha and seen the gifs. Thanks for the source material!!! That's one tape I'd like to have my hands on~
So, what we do know is that they have featured on at least one tape.

From what I have managed to scrounge around online is that Pleur performed 1Box and go gatsu no hana

Uploaded by our very own member Jason! (Go gatsu no hana video)

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Mar 22, 2015
to preface, I'm a diehard Pietoro fan (so Da'vid & pleur by association lol)

but wait, this may be a dumb question but 1. is that really Kyon? I've followed and spoken with Kyon a few times on twitter at @kyon_chima0425 and she hasnt made any mention of MARY RUE in quite sometime, Kyon and this Shizuru don't even have the same birthday and don't look like the same person? maybe its just kyon in makeup and Im bad at recognizing but I truly dont believe this is the same musician since they have two different twitters and I've never heard of Shizuru before this. UNLESS I'm just dumb and am missing something lol.

2. MARY RUE had a demo tape w 3 songs on it (featuring Kanashii Yokan WHICH IS MY FAV SONG BY THEM AAGHH ;_;), then a CD called dear my love (which is admittedly okay) THEN most recently a demo CD featuring 4 songs which they sell through their email but they would not sell a copy to me since I was overseas.

3. thanks for the shoutouts @Cae !!, as for their appearances I've only documented a few over the years:
-Da'vid no Shito:aL had a venue recording of one of their lives which leaked online years later
-they were on that one talk show a lot of up and coming VK acts were on in the 90s (cant remember the name),
-pleur was an act in the SHOCK WAVE CIRCUIT~春の嵐~'99 (Haru no Arashi; Springtime Storm) set of multiple concerts over the spring time from march 12 to april 3 1999 with a bunch of other bands and thats where the sole existing footage (as far as we know) from the post above of pleur performing live exists.
-pleur has a segment/comment on the previously mentioned スーパーインディペンデント ビデオ プログラム なつた気天国 ーNATTEN!ー (Super Independent Video Program Natsuta KiTengoku, ....I have trouble translating that last part, can some better japanese speakers read that for me pls lol)

TL;DR: I dont think thats actually Kyon but I might be wrong


Aug 4, 2004
Vintage Live House, 1994


Mar 22, 2015
Yea I guess it could be, the biggest thing bothering me are the two different birthdays and two different accounts. Also looking at Mary Rues twitter they’ve tweeted about Shizuru but I couldn’t find one of them mentioning Kyon going as Shizuru?? Idk lol

EDIT: after looking at all of their twitters (Ako, You, Kyon, Shizuru & MARY RUE band Twitter) I’ve convinced myself that that’s a completely different person lol, at least I think so. They have two different band histories/discographies, different birthdays and accounts as mentioned a couple times before
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Apr 19, 2018
The Wired
Hey guys, sorry just saw the posts now.
Jason, thanks for your contributions there.

Now, let's address the issue of identity.
It seems that I may have been duped. When I first started making conclusions I took the situational evidence into account and certainly did "enhance enhance enhance". For me, in terms of appearance, I really thought they were one and the same person. Also, how much of a coincidence could Mary Rue be? I admit that I didn't know the actual birthdate of Kyon so I was unable to confirm via that avenue as well as the separate Twitter account. That being said, I want to make it clear that I had zero intention to mislead anyone and I want to offer my sincerest apologies for this wild goose chase to everybody on the thread...I really thought I had found something here.

Nevertheless, I still believe some fruitful discussion was achieved.

1. Activities of Mary Rue have restarted
2. Pleur has VHS footage (some of which has been shared) and some clue trails as to others.
3. Kyon's real Twitter account
4. Shizuru is not Kyon

Thusly, @flowersofnight the original title of this thread does become bogus and I will humbly accept whatever you choose to do with it.

I'm very sorry guys.

PS: I have the Da'vid no Shito:aL VHS footage (love it) and the Pleur footage from shockwave that is on YT but not the comment section (the gifs that @heutre sent the links to) which I'd loooooove to see. Also I didn't know about the talk show!! Thanks @JasonALMS2010


Feb 8, 2012
PS: I have the Da'vid no Shito:aL VHS footage (love it) and the Pleur footage from shockwave that is on YT but not the comment section (the gifs that @heutre sent the links to) which I'd loooooove to see. Also I didn't know about the talk show!! Thanks @JasonALMS2010

I'll ask my friend to see if they still have a rip ! I used to have one but the link where it was hosted is expired and I lost a lot of files on my external hard drive (and my friend too unfortunately).. I'll keep you updated (I was never comfortable with sharing the rip since it was like 80$ and I wasn't the one who paid :/)


Apr 30, 2012
Hello! I'm the friend @heutre was talking about, I don't have the rip and my laptop cannot read CD anymore :( I'll try to find a way to rip it for you guyz! I should rip the whole DVD actually (when I bought the VHS it came with a DVD rip) there was other band that might interest people

On another note I was wondering, do you guyz have anything from wayang? Pietoro shared 2 song of this band he was in on myspace years ago and I lost one of the song ;;


Mar 22, 2015
Hey guys, sorry just saw the posts now.
Jason, thanks for your contributions there.

Now, let's address the issue of identity.
It seems that I may have been duped. When I first started making conclusions I took the situational evidence into account and certainly did "enhance enhance enhance". For me, in terms of appearance, I really thought they were one and the same person. Also, how much of a coincidence could Mary Rue be? I admit that I didn't know the actual birthdate of Kyon so I was unable to confirm via that avenue as well as the separate Twitter account. That being said, I want to make it clear that I had zero intention to mislead anyone and I want to offer my sincerest apologies for this wild goose chase to everybody on the thread...I really thought I had found something here.

Nevertheless, I still believe some fruitful discussion was achieved.

1. Activities of Mary Rue have restarted
2. Pleur has VHS footage (some of which has been shared) and some clue trails as to others.
3. Kyon's real Twitter account
4. Shizuru is not Kyon

Thusly, @flowersofnight the original title of this thread does become bogus and I will humbly accept whatever you choose to do with it.

I'm very sorry guys.

PS: I have the Da'vid no Shito:aL VHS footage (love it) and the Pleur footage from shockwave that is on YT but not the comment section (the gifs that @heutre sent the links to) which I'd loooooove to see. Also I didn't know about the talk show!! Thanks @JasonALMS2010
Don’t worry about it dude :D any reason to talk about Mary Rue and Da’vid again is good in my book, also thank you to @piepietoro for the info and etc. I’d love to see the footage too!! I’ve been dying to lol..
also as for Pietoros more recent bands, I never knew any of their names or music but I knew they existed thanks to interviews online. Thanks for letting us know it’s wayang!! Yay


Apr 19, 2018
The Wired
Hello! I'm the friend @heutre was talking about, I don't have the rip and my laptop cannot read CD anymore :( I'll try to find a way to rip it for you guyz! I should rip the whole DVD actually (when I bought the VHS it came with a DVD rip) there was other band that might interest people

On another note I was wondering, do you guyz have anything from wayang? Pietoro shared 2 song of this band he was in on myspace years ago and I lost one of the song ;;

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW~~ You are an angel!!! (you're blog is super cool too)!!!
I think everyone here would really appreciate that if it can be done ^^

and yes!!! If the lineup is what is shown on that VHS that Heutre shared then you bet Im interested in the other acts too! A lot of good ones on there haha

Don’t worry about it dude :D any reason to talk about Mary Rue and Da’vid again is good in my book, also thank you to @piepietoro for the info and etc. I’d love to see the footage too!! I’ve been dying to lol..
also as for Pietoros more recent bands, I never knew any of their names or music but I knew they existed thanks to interviews online. Thanks for letting us know it’s wayang!! Yay

Awesome man!!! (You're blog is gold too haha)! I feel so much better now....I was really feeling bad about it~ But now I'm so glad because exciting things are happpening haha! Also, I know you are a fellow Shazna fan!!! Maybe we need to make a thread about teir revival too lol???

WAYANG!!! Ok, if I do find anything I'll be sure to let everyone know~

Interesting find alert:

Was taking a squizz at Kyon's Twitter and found something pretty cool~

Here is the text:
"気分転換に断捨離してたらすんごい懐かしいものはっけーん。 未開封! これは捨てないでおこう!"

English translation (by me): Was doing a bit of a spring clean for a change of mood and found some super nostalgic stuff! Still sealed!! Let's not throw these away.

Accompanying picture is attached ~

aaaand now..Let's learn Japanese with Kyon (I thought this might be fun > . < ):

I would like to highlight three words you may find interesting from the above tweet.

1: Kibun tenkan・気分転換・A change of pace or mood

2: Danshari・断捨離・Spring cleaning or decluttering (physically and emotionally)

3: Mikaifuu・未開封・To be in an unopened or sealed state

EG: Kibun tenkan ni danshari shite tara sungoi natsukashii mono hakke-n. Mikaifuu! Kore wa sutenaide okou


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Apr 30, 2012
So basically wayang was a music project he did in 2010(or before a bit, 2010 was when Pietoro had a blog) he was the drummer and the singer was female
There was only 2 songs that he uploaded on myspace and I ripped both of them but I lost one, I uploaded the song I have :!6sg2xQZB!ZVR1G8WxI3h3oCdPVbHmrQb_qvskNUrc87oI5SKHRWA
There's also 2 picture of Pietoro from that time :


Apr 19, 2018
The Wired


Feb 8, 2012
So basically wayang was a music project he did in 2010(or before a bit, 2010 was when Pietoro had a blog) he was the drummer and the singer was female
There was only 2 songs that he uploaded on myspace and I ripped both of them but I lost one, I uploaded the song I have :!6sg2xQZB!ZVR1G8WxI3h3oCdPVbHmrQb_qvskNUrc87oI5SKHRWA
There's also 2 picture of Pietoro from that time :

I had no idea it was that good !! The synth choice is so nice ♥♥♥ (and the drum progressions are unconventional too ! Damn really wish I could've downloaded the other song when I had the choice) The voice is cute and ethereal too
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